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An advanced and flexible Vue.js 2.x component for displaying data tables.

JD-Table / Theming

JD-Table uses SCSS and has a default column theme which can be overridden if you choose to.


If you use the /dist/jd-table.min.css you cannot override the default column scheme very easily. Instead, compile your project with SCSS and override JD-Table variables.

How To Apply Your Own Theme

First review the variables found in /src/assets/jd-table-vars.scss to see which variables/colours you wish to override.

Recall from the README the following component implementation ..

    <div id="app">
            :option                 = "tableOptions"
            :loader                 = "tableLoader"
            :event-from-app         = "eventFromApp"
            :event-from-app-trigger = "eventFromAppTrigger"
            @event-from-jd-table    = "processEventFromApp( $event )"

        <iframe id="excelExportArea" style="display:none"></iframe>

    import "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css";
    import JDTable from 'vue-jd-table';
    export default
        // ....

<style lang="scss">
    // OPTIONAL: JD-Table SCSS Variable Overrides Here.

    @import "~vue-jd-table/dist/assets/jd-table.scss";

Importing the jd-table.scss file in the style section will allow you to import the default theme values for JD-Table. In order to override any specific variables just add the before the import line.


<style lang="scss">
    // OPTIONAL: JD-Table SCSS Variable Overrides Here.
    $jdTable_BaseTextColour : #000000;
    $jdTable_BaseBGColour   : #FFFFFF;
    $jdTable_BaseFontSize   : 5rem;
    $jdTable_ControlHeight  : 3rem;
    // .. etc.

    @import "~vue-jd-table/dist/assets/jd-table.scss";